Monday, September 24, 2012

Drum lessons do make you smarter.  This is a fantastic claim but they also make you happier.  Just check out and sign up to my drum kit lesson course.

from west london drum tutor, drum lessons in Harrow, Greater London, UK

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Someone asked me why should they learn drums.  I responded that learning drums is a way to express yourself musically, creatively and in an abstract way.  Most pursuits in life are grounded in chasing pragmatic fears and concerns.  With musical expression, I feel that we can escape from the world in a most positive way and immerse ourselves in a skill and expression that awakens the place where our dreams come from.

Learning drums and playing drums has had that effect on me and I play drums as a discipline and also as a way to not let the everyday concerns of the world swallow me up.  When I teach drums, my students notice that time goes very quickly and that not only have they learned something special, but that they have had a holiday from themselves, and life; essentially playing without fear or concern like a child.


from west london drum tutor, drum lessons in Harrow, Greater London, UK

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

There are a handful of drummers who are rightfully regarded as true pioneers.  But a quick glance at how and why they became so is really quite fascinating.  The mastery of any art or pursuit is a very special thing and I am in awe of those who had the qualities and will to reach out and become the best they can be for themselves.

Well, check for drum lessons in Harrow, Greater London

from west london drum tutor, drum lessons in Harrow, Greater London, UK

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Drum lessons through West London Drum Tutor are designed to suit your schedule, aptitude, and priorities.  Some students want to do Trinity or Rockschool grades, and some want to learn how to get on stage and start performing at a competent level.

Have a look at my website

From west london drum tutor, drum lessons in Harrow, Greater London, UK.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Speed and accuracy are the the coveted attributes of many drummers.  I would say knowledge of all contemporary styles, time, dynamics and feel are of paramount importance.  Though the best of all the attributes of any drummer is to be able to take risks and develop your own voice and signature style as a drummer - or anything for that matter.  Check for some informative articles and I invite you to call me for drum lessons.

From west london drum tutor, drum lessons in Harrow, Greater London

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

New drum lessons that highlight the importance of of integrating and playing with the rudiments are now officially part of my drum lessons.  Have a look at how this works on

from west london drum tutor - drum lessons in Harrow, Greater London UK